Innovation Day

Today is Innovation Day.

What is Innovation?
=> Innovation is nothing but a new and different idea or creative thoughts that can change or have some impact on the lifestyle of the human, animal, and plants. 
What is the difference between Invention and Innovation?
=> Invention is the creation of something and Innovation is the modification of the existing creation.

Lack of Innovation?
=> Above you are cleared with the difference between Invention and Innovation. So, why lack of Innovation topic. I know that many people have innovative ideas and they want to apply it also but due to financial and from the lack of motivation the ideas of an individual flop. In this world, all want to see their profit no one care of yourself so be self-independent. If your ideas are interesting then there are many companies that want a critical thinker who can make their company grow. But if your invention grows well then don't forget to innovate it. At that point in a situation, many inventors think that we made a perfect thing it doesn't need any change but change is important. At that point, they are with the lack of innovative ideas. 
How you can innovate something?
=> 1) Surround yourself with critical thinkers.
2) Start conducting stand up meetings.
3) Pick a small project and think about it how you can change it.
4) Brings it in your life and think about it and how it will affect the world.
5) Get a buddy who always motivates you and encourages your ideas.