Propose Day second day of Valentine Week

Today is Propose Day.

Previously, We saw about What is Rose day and why we celebrate it? Today we will see the next day of valentine's week i.e. PROPOSE Day. In this, we see what is propose day and why we celebrate it.

Do you know what is propose day? No, then I tell you yesterday you have given your partner or crush a rose but you did nothing to impress her now it is the time to say her Will you be my Girlfriend / Boyfriend?  Will you marry me(for the long relationship)?  Will you be my life partner?  But no direct saying just wait for the right time which follows the step for the right time.

Step 1: Wake up early and then call him/her or send her the picture or visit his/her house to wake up with a beautiful surprise which he/she like.

Step 2: Wait for some time to get them ready then if possible take them for coffee by walking not by vehicle so you can get more time to talk.

Step 3: Order a coffee of his/her choice not your's and pay before he/she knows (not in front of him/her).

Step 4: Now you are active after drinking coffee. Now take them shopping and talk to them and give some interest in them while shopping.

Step 5: Drop him/her home then follow the most important step.

Step 6: On step 1 you have to add something else that is you have to book a table for two in the best restaurant in your locality or of there choice without knowing/telling them. Then surprise him/her by calling them to the restaurant indirectly.

Step 7: If possible then propose her by a ring or propose him by his favorite gift.

THANK YOU FOR READING. I will see you tomorrow with some chocolaty mood.