Chocolate day third day of Valentine Week

Today is Chocolate Day.

We saw previously What is Rose Day and Propose Day? So, after giving him/her rose and then propose. Now it's the time for some sweet that's why this Day came 3rd in the Valentine Week.

Why Chocolate Day instead of it any other day can be there like shopping day, traveling day, etc. But why chocolate day only there are scientific and love reason also first we go to the scientific reason. Many scientist and researcher say that chocolate is made from the cocoa which makes our heart more efficient and reliable by increasing capillaries, sweetening in chocolate make a person's mind relaxing and satisfying mood, and it also decreases the DIABETES by 31%. Yeah!! Yeah!! It's so boring. But don't go anywhere you are looking for it it's came now the love reason as we know that chocolate makes our mood satisfied so as when we give chocolate to our love one's there mind relax and we talk to them on the serious topic also on that time, another reason chocolate provide a person sweet vocal so if he/she is angry with you then give them the chocolate. Yes, I know that they will tell you that I am angry now also you can't make me happy by giving me chocolate but my friend they are not angry as you think just kiss them and then see a smile on there face.

Don't forget to give the chocolate to your parents, brother, sister, friends and little children. Chocolate Day is not just to give the chocolate to the loved ones you can give it to anybody. If you make someone smile by giving the chocolate that smile is sweeter then the sweetest chocolate in the entire race.
THANK YOU! Tomorrow we will meet with some fluffy things.