Valentine's Day

 Today is the most awaited day for all the lovers but don't worry your wait is over Valentine Day is running in your country go and celebrate with your partner. But Hey! After reading this post okay. We lastly talk on Rose Day, Propose DayChocolate DayTeddy Day, Promise DayHug DayKiss Day and now it is Valentine Day.

Today we will see on What is Valentine Day and why we celebrate it and What to do on this Day. So to know all the answers to this question stay tune with me.

What is Valentine's Day?
Valentine is the occasion for the loved one or to hang out with them or to spend more time with them. From spending the time with them leads to a strong relationship between them and they know your importance towards them. Valentine is celebrated every year on 14th February in the entire world.

Why we celebrate Valentine Day?

This is a story of around 3 B.C. in Rome. A king called Claudius 2 which rule the city. At one war day, their powerful armed soldier lost the battle from a weak soldier group. When Claudius know about this incident he got angry and called his Chief Journal for a reason. He tells that most of the soldier has died in the last battle from that time, less number of people joined the army.
    Claudius sends her Chief Journal and some soldiers to find out the reason for not joining the army. They went to the village for the inspection they waited for some time and after that, they called a wandering man for the reason so that man described that all have their wife, children, family members to spent the good time with them and they are happy to alive if they were in the battle they should have lost their lives in it. So they refused to join the army. After, Journal describes the story to the king then after that king found the reason that is marriage, so he prohibited the marriage in his kingdom. But, a saint called Valentine refused the king order and he is a priest so to go against the king's decision he took all the responsibility of the marriage in his kingdom.
 After the king knows that someone is going against his decision he gives the order to the soldier that calls that man in front of him who goes against his decision. On meeting, the king gave the order to their soldier to prison him in jail. On a fine day, a soldier came to him for help, help for her blind daughter to see the world. So the soldier took her daughter to the arrested priest for help he prayed from god and put his hand on the eyes of the girl, after a few day's she can see everything. On this happiness, she wants to see that person who gave me a colorful life. Then the soldier took his daughter for a meeting with Valentine (the Priest). After talking with each other in prison there fall in love with each other. On the execution day Priest called Julia (daughter of the soldier) Father for some talk, the priest asked him that can he meet with his daughter but unfortunately he can't so the priest wrote a letter for her about his whole life journey and at the end he wrote FROM YOUR VALENTINE.

From this story, we found that Valentine means true love.

How can we celebrate both in-home or outside according to your budget?


1: Call her and say to her that I am coming at your spot within 15 minutes for breakfast and coffee at the restaurant.
2: After a restaurant take her for the shopping or for a movie of her choice.
3: Talk to her for some time.
4: After all this take her for the candlelight dinner with a propose ring.

1: Wake up early call her to open his window and you should stand in front of her window with the rose, card, and chocolate.
2: Call her to your house arrange the breakfast for her.
3: Talk to her for some time then take her for the ride or a drive.
4: Rewrite a song or Quote for her and say to her in front of the other if possible.
5: Spend time with them.
6: At last prepare a dinner for him/her and close all the light for the candlelight dinner.
According to me, the HOME procedure is good and cheap rest your choice and you can add anything into it.